Presentations by Adherent Labs
The associates at Adherent Laboratories bring a lifetime of experience in many facets of adhesive technology.
We share this experience as well as our on-going research and development activities with the broader community of adhesive users, suppliers and manufacturers in two ways:
- Adherents' researchers present papers based on its work and analysis at various trade association meetings and technical seminars in an effort to educate and foster discussion within the industry.
- In collaboration with our clients, we develop test data and applications technology that they use as the basis for technical and marketing papers, presentations and product literature.

Potential of High Polymer Content Adhesives for Non-woven Applications
Hot melt adhesives have been used in the construction of nonwoven materials for nearly 50 years. This presentation traces the history of formulation types with an emphasis on the future use of high olefin polymer hot melts and their advantages.

Sticking to Human Skin: How Difficult Could That Be?
Synopsis: 40 years of product development experience with 3M creating medical devices that stick to skin has taught me how complicated sticking things to human skin can be. The adhesive categories used in developing these products has include solvent based acrylate, water based acrylate, synthetic rubber and acrylate hot melt, cyanoacrylate, silicone, natural rubber and polyurethane. When developing products that use adhesives and coatings that stick to skin, understanding the properties of the skin, the adhesive and the coated backing is required to create a high performance product. We will explore some of these properties.

Recyclability Drives Adhesive Development
Recycling rates for consumer products have increased around the world. Common products being recycled include paper, corrugated cartons, plastic bottles, plastic food containers, metals, computers, vehicles, and even shoes. Recyclers have noted the effects of adhesives on the recycling process and have asked for new adhesives that do not interfere with recycling. Advanced recyclers have even set up standards for the performance of adhesives in their process. The presentation will examine the effects of adhesives on recycling of paper and plastic products and the progress made in developing recycling compatible adhesives. The adhesive products covered include stamps, labels, notes, and tapes.